Wednesday, February 5, 2014

All of You Listen Close.

Today's post is serious. I wrote a poem at the end of last year that I have really been pushing to get noticed. It's called listen and I wrote it to define what I want from the world. It is mostly to tell the world how I feel and what I don't want vs. what I do. I hope you all like it. I also hope that it touches you as much as it touches me. I wish that you gain something from it and it will bring you clarity to something that has been troubling in your life.
Just Listen
Just listen

And listen to me good.
Hang on to every word I’m about to say.
Because I really mean it.
Don’t take it as a joke
But really understand what I feel.
So just listen.

Sometimes when you want to be yourself
And stand out from everyone else
It backfires.
You end up becoming them
The ones you don’t want to conform to.
And you don’t really realize this until
The Aftermath of it all.

I don’t want to be that way anymore.
I want to be taken seriously and not be afraid.
I want to be able to lead and know that
People can trust in me.
I don’t want to be laughed at anymore
Or looked upon for my appearance ways
I want to be what I was born to be: A Leader

I’m not a person who takes pride in always being silent.
I like to stand out and be different because
I’m not like everyone else.
I see the world differently in my eyes
Than people see in theirs.
I see a world of love, struggle, and of sometimes despair.
But all that can change if you just listen

If all of us help each other at what we do best
Then I promise we can all become
something unlike rest.
A place, a world, of individuals
Who don’t give up hope
And know that we can depend upon
Someone else when we are feeling apathetic

All you need to do is listen
Not just with your ears, but with
Your mind, with your heart, and with your soul.
Use your experience to guide for
Change in who you are and
what you do in this life. That will determine
The hope given to us in which we seek and ask.

So again I ask you to just listen
Listen to the words that I have written
Understand what I am asking from you.
Guidance, Perseverance,and Leadership.
And even if I don’t ever achieve what I wanted
Even if I don’t make it, I’ll always know that
I Tried. I Hoped. And I Listened.

Are You Listening?

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